Complies with ISO 10816

Designed for all rotodynamic equipment, including centrifugal, turbine, axial flow pumps. Made to comply with the ISO 10816 for mechanical vibration, measuring and evaluation.

Encourages predictive maintenance, since vibration data captured can be modeled to identify patterns to not only detect imminent breakdowns, but also predict future faults.
Get real time notification of events and allow your team react to abnormal behaviors when they occur.

ISO compliant
Operates according to the ISO 10816 standard that outlines the conditions and procedures for measuring and evaluating vibrations from the non-rotating parts of a machine
Intuitive status indication
The device comes with a status LED which follows the traffic light rating system to indicate the severity of the measured vibration.
Ease of installation
No special tools required for installation. The unit comes with a magnetic mount which allows the Vibrälert to be permanently connected to a mounting face
Long battery life
Up to 3 years battery life in normal operating mode, and no external power supply required
Remote monitoring
The Vibrälert is RF enabled, and can be paired with the Vibrälert Base unit to allow remote monitoring of devices up to 150m
Mobile app support
Monitor the status of your Vibrälert via the app and receive alerts when there is a change in the vibration state